Система управления молочным хозяйством


Вскрытие НАЧАЛО

Что такое вскрытие?

Зачем нужно делать вскрытие?

Какое время оптимально подходит для проведения вскрытия?

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Где следует производить вскрытие?

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Меры предосторожности / безопасности

Что надо сделать до разрезания туши

Журнал вскрытия

Элементарное местное вскрытие коровы

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Система управления молочным хозяйством



Joints & Muscles

With any type of lameness, the joints should be examined. Skin the hide away from the joint of interest. Bend the joint in it's natural direction and cut through the muscles toward the middle of the joint. All joints are surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue, cut through this to expose the inside of the joint. Carefully examine the joint fluid and the bones involved in the joint.

Normally the joint fluid is clear to slightly yellow in color and is viscous or "stringy". There should not be any blood or pus in the joint.

The bones should be smooth and white.

Examination of a joint - Video  
Different muscles should also be looked at if the animal experienced any lameness. Simply cut into the muscle and look for any abnormalities. The muscle should be the same color and texture throughout. If you notice any black areas or pale areas you may consider taking a sample for your veterinarian to look at.


Common lesions of the muscles and joints
